It's been awhile since I've been to such an awkwardly laid back show where everybody sits cross legged on the ground politely clapping at the end of each mellowed out song and everything is nice but you're drunk, alone and surrounded by sickeningly cute couples which you react to by buying another $6 beer you can't really afford and heckle the local support band like a mean spirited jerk (Sorry Oh Ye Denver Birds). Despite being a drunk retard, it turned out to be an okay night.
I always enjoy an Alps show and it was good to see him play to a decent sized attentive crowd (in contrast to other shows I've seen in the past). Good set. Alps on Myspace.
I'd never heard of or seen this guy before but apparently he lives in a share house with the amazing EAT SKULL, I might have that wrong but if it's true that's pretty neat. Alps also provided vocals/keys on some songs. Tiger Saw on Myspace.
Never heard of this guy either but it was pretty good, seemed genuine enough. Castanets on Myspace.
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